It’s amazing how the supposedly simple idea of eating has transformed into a confusing black hole of diets, guilt and confusion. The more we stay in the diet realm, the more disordered our eating patterns become, the more we judge our bodies and the more we remain stuck in a no-win cycle. That’s why we do it differently here.

At Therapeutic Oasis, we embrace the non-diet approach to eating and turn the focus inward to internal body cues. We take an intuitive approach to eating, respecting size diversity and believing that all bodies have the ability to find health and balance.

By becoming mindful and curious eaters, we can begin to identify what patterns are working for us, and those that aren’t. When we pay attention to physical cues or cravings, we can start to distinguish the differences between physical hunger and non-hunger cues. Regardless of where someone falls on the disordered eating / eating disorder spectrum, mindful eating has shown to be helpful in affecting real change. Put simply, we can’t make changes if we don’t see what isn’t working!

Our philosophy moves people toward peace with their plate, one bite at a time. We help our clients learn to tune-in to their signals, identify their needs, and honor their health through a progress-not-perfection approach.

So how can this be applied to daily life? If you’ve been on the diet bandwagon for years, start by freeing yourself from the torment of diets and deprivation. Begin by allowing yourself to eat at consistent and reliable times throughout the day. Be flexible with intake and allow yourself to learn what food you actually like, not just think you “should” eat. Having a piece of chocolate cake can undoubtedly be part of balance and health! A typical diet has an expiration date – learning to eat for overall health never expires.

As you move toward a peaceful relationship with food, remember these 5 useful tips:
  1. Take time before the start of the meal to notice what you truly want to eat.
  2. Begin to note your hunger before eating.
  3. Taste and savor each bite, using all your senses.
  4. Take time to enjoy the meal and chew food well.
  5. As you start to notice feeling satisfied, give yourself permission to stop, knowing you can eat again whenever your hunger returns.