Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
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The old adage that “time heals all wounds” isn’t necessarily sound wisdom. For some individuals, traumas and negative experiences are more intensely felt with each year that passes. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), complicated grief, physical and/or sexual trauma, and other disturbing memories respond well to EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing.


What is EMDR?

EMDR is an effective and well-researched psychotherapy treatment for trauma, phobias, panic disorders, addiction, and other psychological conditions. Some individuals have trouble processing upsetting experiences, becoming “stuck” in a painful memory. EMDR works by helping the brain process information. By using bilateral stimulation while targeting painful memories, individuals are able to process their emotions, helping to remove painful blocks that prevent them from fully living their lives. Several sessions of EMDR may be needed to address an individual’s condition.


Therapeutic Oasis has several experienced therapists skilled in EMDR:

Stephanie Burstein, LMFT

Nicole Friedman, PsyD

Patricia Shutt, PsyD

Michelle Coes, LMHC


To read more about EMDR’s history and eight-phase process, please visit: http://www.emdr.com/what-is-emdr/.