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Super Study Snacks
Be Berry Smart!
Berries are an awesome study snack. Packed with antioxidants, these impressive little nibbles are wonderful for your heart and circulatory system. They also taste great! Similar to nuts, they come in a vast array of flavors, sizes, and colors, so you definitely won’t get bored with berries!
An Apple a Day….
Did you know an apple is better for waking up in the morning than a cup of coffee or a glass of orange juice? That’s because it’s full of nutrients, has great antioxidants and fiber, & helps oxygenate your blood. Try combining it with some peanut butter for a stabilizing protein boost!
Power up your study sessions.
Remember, you need to refuel about every 3-4 hours during the daytime. When you notice you’re hungry between meals, don’t delay – just pause, breathe and EAT! Try some combo snacks, usually at least 2 foods to give you quick & sustainable energy to fuel your brain & get you to your next meal.
Popeye’s Fave.
Boost your brain strenght with the power of spinach. It’s not a typical study snack but you should definitely give spinach a try. This leafy green helps focus and restore your energy; that’s perfect for study sessions! It’s incredibly rich in nutrients, like vitamin C and iron. Make a tasty salad with berries and nuts, and experience the power of spinach!
Dark Chocolate? Enough said!
We know, all the other foods on this list seem nutritionally-loaded, but don’t be fooled by the word chocolate! Dark chocolate has impressive levels of fiber, iron, and antioxidants. It also improves blood flow. In fact, some research has found that eating dark chocolate even improves brain function! If that’s not a reason to munch on some chocolate during your study sesh, nothing is!
Get Nutty!
Nuts are one of the best foods you can eat while studying. They pack quite the protein punch, and give you that additional energy boost you’ve been craving. Start out with a mixed nut selection of assorted cashews, peanuts, and almonds to find that extra concentration to finish your studying and pair it with some fruit or pretzels for a more complete balance.
Tips for Managing Test Anxiety

Free Wellness Seminars
Body Kindness for Teens
One hour presentation for schools & employers.
Call to Schedule (561) 278-6033
Or email [email protected]

Jestine Argueza, RDN/LDN
Registered Dietitian
What is Intuitive Eating?
One hour presentation for schools or employers.
Call to Schedule (561) 278-6033
Or email [email protected]

Christie Caggiani, RDN/LDN CEDRD
Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor
Power Tools
When your week seems impossible, take a breath and use a few simple, but powerful exercises to help releive stress and put things in perspective.
Recharge and Refocus with a short meditation between assignments. You’ll be amazed at what 5 minutes can do.
Finishing homework at midnight doesn’t mean you can go right to sleep at 12:15. Sometimes it feels like your brain won’t turn off! Try a short relaxation exercise to help you wind down before bed.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”