DBT Boot Camp at Therapeutic Oasis

DBT Skills Intensive

(561) 278-6033

Therapeutic Oasis offers an Intensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy ‘Boot Camp’ for those interested in a DBT refresher or are unable to commit to the six month DBT Skills Group program. This brief but intensive skills program will address all modules in a 3-week period.  

Requirements for Participation:

  • All participants must be actively engaged in individual therapy.
  • Mindfulness Orientation is required for all participants.
  • Although it is not a requirement, participants are highly encouraged to have participated in DBT skills group.
  • Weekly coaching sessions are required for participants seeing outside therapists.
  • DBT Skills Workbook is required and can be purchased online at Guilford Press or Amazon.
  • Participants with outside therapists are required to complete paperwork prior to the start of class, including a full release. 

All classes will be held at our Boca Raton Location

If you are new to DBT, Therapeutic Oasis also offers the traditional DBT Class, please call (561) 278-6033 to speak our Intake Coordinator

Boot Camp DBT Modules

  • Mindfulness Seminar
  • Distress Tolerance
  • Emotional Regulation 
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness 
To register, or for more information, please contact our intake coordinator (561) 278-6033.

Therapeutic Oasis is out of network with all insurance. Clients can receive an insurance receipt to file with their health insurance provider. Please request insurance receipts at registration.
